
Over the Fence
Over the Fence
導演: 黃澤婷


  • 影片資料
  • 演出及製作
  • 獎項及放映
  • 導演簡介

製作地點 香港
製作年份 2018
長度 2' 46''
色彩 彩色
語言 無對白及字幕
類型 動畫
拍攝格式 HDV
影片簡介 這套動畫短片主要是鼓勵大家不怕失敗,勇於嘗試。
發行及放映 查詢


“The International Youth Media Summit (IYMS) is like one big family! The festival was well-organised and people there were very nice and helpful. The participant enjoyed and were very into the activities. There were more than 70 delegates from all over the world so the cultural exchange experience was very rich.

During the trip, we interacted with each other closely and learnt about the culture, the story thinking, the shooting skills, the camera and video editing and the social issues in other countries. As the goal of the trip was to make a short film based on this year’s theme: Champions for a Sustainable, Peaceful World, we had a wide knowledge of the Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about the 7 major global issues (Discrimination, Environment, Health, Poverty, Violence, Women’s Rights and Youth Empowerment), we learnt a lot The IYMS also invited the professional industry people and expert to talk more about the 7 major global issues. The advisors in the festival are experienced and devoted. They taught in their areas of expertise and supported us in completing our short films at the Summit.

It is an unforgettable experience. I strongly recommended all youth filmmakers to join!”

— Shared by Wong Chak-ting, director of Over the Fence after attending International Youth Media Summit 2019 in Nepal, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* 資料由導演提供
