


  • 影片資料
  • 演出及製作
  • 獎項及放映
  • 導演簡介

製作地點 香港
製作年份 2019
長度 1' 49''
色彩 彩色及黑白
語言 無對白及字幕
類型 動畫
拍攝格式 高清
影片簡介 Harass是一條關於尊重他人以及保持安靜的影片。在故事的開頭一個吵鬧的女士在深夜裏健身,但卻騷擾了她的鄰居。起初鄰居對她的騷擾感到無奈,但也沒有辦法。隨著騷擾不斷加劇,鄰居終於作出行動。最終那名女士終於學會了安靜,更重要的是學會了尊重他人!
發行及放映 查詢


Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity.
In addition, I got  a lot of great experience through the competition such as dare to try to communicate with locals there.

—《Harass》導演梁明亨得到美國Teen Animation Festival International 2019的邀請,並透過「香港短片新里程」計劃的資助,前往當地觀摩後之感想。
Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity such as Hongdae district, I can see a lot of street performer who performing some performance like cover K-pop dance and singing.Besides, I can learn more about Korean style and custom. It gave me a new impression about Korea, which can let me make a animation which about Korea can be close to reality.. [More]
Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity such as Hongdae district, I can see a lot of street performer who performing some performance like cover K-pop dance and singing.Besides, I can learn more about Korean style and custom. It gave me a new impression about Korea, which can let me make a animation which about Korea can be close to reality.

In addition, I got a lot of great experience through the competition such as dare to try to communicate with locals there. I think they are polite and kindly, so I don't feel strange and afraid because their enthusiasm make me feel so warm and I think we just look like a family.
Furthermore, I can see lots of animations and films from other countries, make me eye-opener and learn more about video edit skills or some other skills from their works . At last, I feel satisfied in this trip, Thank you!


* 資料由導演提供
