
My Room 37
導演: 黃雪綾


  • 影片資料
  • 演出及製作
  • 獎項及放映
  • 導演簡介

製作地點 香港
製作年份 2018
長度 14' 24''
色彩 彩色
語言 英語對白,英文字幕
類型 實驗
拍攝格式 高清
影片簡介 抑鬱症已成了生活一部份,但一直都算控制得到不影響生活,直到2019年秋.我退避到腦中的安全空間,我將自己從所有恐懼及情緒隔離.可是一個從前的自己,一個曾認識快樂的自己,在纏繞我.
發行及放映 查詢


For an outsider filmmaker who is also marginalized in society, I would like to thank NAE for giving me an experience of a life time to attend a film festival where my art can be seen and my voice can be heard without prejudice and bias.It would otherwise be immensely difficult to achieve the same in local HK. As a person with existing mental health issues, I had trouble breaking into the film industry as it is both physically and mentally demanding. And a lot of times, freelance involves a lot of startup capital like equipment. Which is both a curse and blessing because I am able to think outside the box, not restricted by conventions, however, results in limited connections with the filmmaker community which greatly diminishes the visibility of my work. And when my works are not known locally, it's hard to develop a career and forever condemned to being a hobby which will only be deemed not good enough for further nourishing or development.

—《我的房號37》導演黃雪綾得到英國Scottish Queer International Film Festival 2019的邀請,並透過「香港短片新里程」計劃的資助,前往當地觀摩後之感想。

* 資料由導演提供
