Film Title

Migrant Down the Rabbit Hole
Director: Lee Wai Kwan, Yip Man Hay


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2019
Duration 14' 06''
Colour Colour
Language In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Documentary
Shooting Format HDV
Synopsis The work documented the story of Yuli, a Hong Kong domestic worker from Indonesia. She is a novelist who won a literature award and also a journalist dedicated to writing. Between the social event that happened in June in Hong Kong, her thoughts and caring about the city are far more from what people used to imagine a narrative of a domestic worker. They are not only domestic workers but they also have other social roles, e.g. a citizen who lived in Hong Kong.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

"The NAE project brought me to brand new experiences to exchange thoughts oversea. It encourages new filmmakers to take a deep breath and explore unusual scenery after the previous production and to move on to the new upcoming ideas. Although the festival that I participated in is relatively on a small-scale, the trip is undoubtedly fruitful for me.. [More]
"The NAE project brought me to brand new experiences to exchange thoughts oversea. It encourages new filmmakers to take a deep breath and explore unusual scenery after the previous production and to move on to the new upcoming ideas. Although the festival that I participated in is relatively on a small-scale, the trip is undoubtedly fruitful for me. There were more chances to talk to everyone who participated in the festival such as hosts and volunteers and to have a closer distance with the audiences. Many thanks to NAE as the project explores the possibility and potential outcomes with me by supporting me joining SF Urban Film Festival. Other than the festival, the trip also provided me chances to exchange thoughts with local curators in the USA, exploring further chances of screening and promoting Hong Kong short films. These experiences serve as a vital drive for my future exploration of filming and writing."

— Shared by Lee Wai-kwan, director of Migrant Down the Rabbit Hole after attending San Francisco Urban Film Festival 2020 in United States, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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