Film Title

Age of the Valiant
Director: Lo Chun-yip, Willis Ho


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2019
Duration 10' 58''
Colour Colour
Language In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Documentary
Shooting Format HDV
Synopsis Two valiant youngsters take to the street for the freedom and future of Hong Kong, even it would cause them 10 years in jail.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

"It was my first time participating in IFFR, the festival which has established a solid reputation for showing a high respect to individual production and presenting different society/culture/political contexts through films in diverse ways.
This year, they curated a prgramme called “Ordinary Heroes: Made in Hong Kong” in an in-depth manner, featuring a series of iconic films over the past few decades. Through the programme, overseas audience were told about the stories of Hong Kong from during the British colonial period to the rise of indigenous consciousness.. [More]
"It was my first time participating in IFFR, the festival which has established a solid reputation for showing a high respect to individual production and presenting different society/culture/political contexts through films in diverse ways.
This year, they curated a prgramme called “Ordinary Heroes: Made in Hong Kong” in an in-depth manner, featuring a series of iconic films over the past few decades. Through the programme, overseas audience were told about the stories of Hong Kong from during the British colonial period to the rise of indigenous consciousness.
As the audience have already acknowledged Hong Kong’s political situation last year through internet and other mass media, they showed concerns on the issue during the Q&A session.
After appreciating the line-up and attending the post-screening talk, I believe that they have already facilitated a more concrete understanding on the past and present of our city."

— Shared by Lo Chun-yip, director of Age of the Valiant after attending 49th International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) in Netherlands, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

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