Film Title

Director: Cheung-yau, Ip Chak-sum


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2019
Duration 2' 22''
Colour Colour
Language No dialogue and subtitles
Genre Animation
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis The story is about three light bulbs facing a decision about stealing circuit board. Two decides to steal but one does not. At the end, the ones who stole are thrown away. The message of this story is that we should make the right choice and be honest.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

"It was my first time to leave Hong Kong and
went to other country to join a competition. It gave me an unforgettable memory. In U.. [More]
"It was my first time to leave Hong Kong and
went to other country to join a competition. It gave me an unforgettable memory. In U.S.A., I have seen a
lot of different style's buildings, it can give me more ideas to make
animation. Because of my English is not good, I was very scared to travel to
U.S.A., which it means I must need to use English to communicate with local
people. Luckily, I can experience for local people's enthusiasm and friendly,
they would listen to me patiently. I love this place very much.

In the Festival, I was very scared for a
long time. It is because it is my first time my animation can be played it on the big
screen and other participles are very strong. Fortunately, when they watched my
animation, they laughed.
It means they love my animation! After joining this Festival, it gave me a big certainty
and power to make animation."

— Shared by Cheung-yau, director of Decision after attending Teen Animation Festival International 2019 in U.S.A., under the sponsorship of NAE.
"I think that the trip was amazing since I got to travel around Croatia and learn about their culture, it is something I have never seen before, the buildings there looked very detailed. I also got to talk to the local people there using English. It was my first time going to an animation festival and I liked it.. [More]
"I think that the trip was amazing since I got to travel around Croatia and learn about their culture, it is something I have never seen before, the buildings there looked very detailed. I also got to talk to the local people there using English. It was my first time going to an animation festival and I liked it. The animation screened there were humorous and interesting. I learnt a lot from their works. Not to mention the workshop which made me learn the process of making a stop motion animation and how to make one. Although I did not win any awards, I still think this trip was great and benefited me in many different ways. Not only did I learn animation skills and techniques, I also learnt how to talk to people confidently, the different cultures in europe, what to be aware of when traveling and so on."

— Shared by Ip Chak-sum, director of Decision after VAFI - International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival Varaždin 2019 in Croatia., under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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