Film Title

Director: Leung Ming Hang 梁明亨


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2019
Duration 1' 49''
Colour Colour / B&W
Language No dialogue and subtitles
Genre Animation
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis 'Harass' is a film about respecting others and keeping quiet. At the beginning of the story, a noisy lady works out late at night, but harassed her neighbor. At first neighbours felt helpless about her harassment, but there was nothing they could do. As the harassment intensified, the neighbors finally took action. Finally, the lady finally learned to be quiet, and more importantly, to respect others!
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity.
In addition, I got  a lot of great experience through the competition such as dare to try to communicate with locals there.

— Shared by Leung Ming-hang, director of Harass after attending Teen Animation Festival International 2019 in U.. [More]
Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity.
In addition, I got  a lot of great experience through the competition such as dare to try to communicate with locals there.

— Shared by Leung Ming-hang, director of Harass after attending Teen Animation Festival International 2019 in U.S.A., under the sponsorship of NAE.
Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity such as Hongdae district, I can see a lot of street performer who performing some performance like cover K-pop dance and singing.Besides, I can learn more about Korean style and custom. It gave me a new impression about Korea, which can let me make a animation which about Korea can be close to reality.. [More]
Through this trip, I can see a lot of local attractions, which can inspire my afflatus and creativity such as Hongdae district, I can see a lot of street performer who performing some performance like cover K-pop dance and singing.Besides, I can learn more about Korean style and custom. It gave me a new impression about Korea, which can let me make a animation which about Korea can be close to reality.

In addition, I got a lot of great experience through the competition such as dare to try to communicate with locals there. I think they are polite and kindly, so I don't feel strange and afraid because their enthusiasm make me feel so warm and I think we just look like a family.
Furthermore, I can see lots of animations and films from other countries, make me eye-opener and learn more about video edit skills or some other skills from their works . At last, I feel satisfied in this trip, Thank you!

— Shared by Leung Ming-hang, director of Harass after attending Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival 2019 in Korea, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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