Film Title
The Hongkongers
Ian Lui
- Film Info
- Cast & Crew
- Awards & Screening
- About the Director
Production Country |
Hong Kong |
Production Year |
2019 |
Duration |
30' 00'' |
Colour |
Colour & B/W |
Language |
In Cantonese and Hokkien with Chinese and English subtitles |
Genre |
Drama |
Shooting Format |
高清 |
Synopsis |
With the Hong Kong protests in the background, a reluctant grandson accompanies his grandfather to China to protect their ancestral lands from being reclaimed. |
Series |
Distribution & Screening |
Enquiry |
Ian Lui
Horatio Tsoi
Renee Wong, Ian Lui
Tony Ho
Ian Lui
Hong Kong
Official Selection, Hong Kong Independent Film Festival
Official Selection, Golden Harvest Awards & Short Film Festival
Official Selection, San Diego Asian Film Festival
Official Selection, Filmschoolfest Munich
Graduated from School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2017. His directional work for
graduation of Higher Diploma, Grandpa Online (2015) was shown at 1st Ground Up Student Film Festival , Jahorina
Film Festival in Bosnia, Lublin Film Festival in Poland, Caminhos Film Festival in Portugal. |
Remarks shared after Festival
This film festival’s screened works mainly takes Asian and Asian communities as theme, which is different from the works participated in previous films festivals that are mostly based on Europe and America. The participation of screening in this film festival represents our premiere outside of Asia region, I am honored to be able to share our ideas with local American audiences and people in the industry. The audiences are very interested in issues related to Hong Kong-mainland conflicts and generation conflicts explored in the film, they react actively in understanding Hong Kong’s recent situation and development of film industry after the screening.. [More]This film festival’s screened works mainly takes Asian and Asian communities as theme, which is different from the works participated in previous films festivals that are mostly based on Europe and America. The participation of screening in this film festival represents our premiere outside of Asia region, I am honored to be able to share our ideas with local American audiences and people in the industry. The audiences are very interested in issues related to Hong Kong-mainland conflicts and generation conflicts explored in the film, they react actively in understanding Hong Kong’s recent situation and development of film industry after the screening. The themes of works selected in this film festivals are extremely diversified, including commercial films, feature short films, documentaries, VR short films, and also student works. There are definitely some differences in the quality of films, especially in the unit of short films, the skills of some students’ works are apparently less mature, yet overall the films’ quality is quite good. In the film festival I have appreciated many outstanding short and long films works, and further acknowledge the lives of North American Asian community, that greatly broadened my international horizons. Most of the local audiences still target for screened long films, yet the film festival has set up several short film programs and short film training plan for secondary school students, and their products are screened in the film festivals as well. Although the number of visitors is not as much as expected, I am happy seeing the proactive exchanges between audiences and their concern on Hong Kong’s recent situation. Much gratitude to Hong Kong Short Film New Action Express which provides local creators a chance to exchange overseas, so that I could have the opportunity in interconnecting and communicating with local audiences personally. I will and must cherish every opportunity to participate each country’s film festivals as a Hong Kong representative.
— Shared by Lui Yee-pan Ian, the director of The Hongkongers after attending San Diego Asian Film Festival 2019 in the United States, under the sponsorship of NAE.
此影展主要以全球各國學生作品為主,本屆影展本身並未設特定主題,但各個單元會按相似主題或題材的短片歸類。影展雖然以學生作品為主,但參加者並不限於在學或剛畢業的青年導演或電影學生,亦有投身社會多年、重返校園者,因此作品題材及製作水準,均打破一般對於「學生作品」的刻板印象。主辦方讓參展導演入住在同一酒店的安排,增加了交流機會,每日亦安排不同活動予參與者。而每部影片至少有兩次放映機會,在不同的時段, 務求讓更多及不同的觀眾有機會觀賞。另外,此影展的映後問答環節並非設在所有影片放畢後,而是在各部影片之間。此安排不但讓觀眾在對影片尚記憶猶新時與創作者交流,也確保每位參與者能有足夠時間與觀眾交流
— Shared by Lui Yee-pan Ian, the director of The Hongkongers after attending Filmschoolfest Munich 2019 in Germany, under the sponsorship of NAE. |
* Information provided by Director
Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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