Film Title

In The Wild
Director: Hui Nga Shu Rita


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  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2017
Duration 60'
Colour Colour
Language In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Drama
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis Frolicking on the streets in Central. Finding the lips that are longing for kisses. Seeing the glimmer of rebellion in an never-ending tunnel. Shouting hoarse for passion that never returns at the top of Pitt Street. We can’t dancing. We have to tread on the edge. Be wild. Move our bodies. Revive our senses to life. Push against the absurdity of everyday. Independent film director Rita Hui creates In the Wind with dancer Frankie Ho and songwriter Hin-yan Wong. Walking down street after street, performer Siuyea Lo uses his body to respond to Hong Kong’s rapid changes and to raise question the now through dance and music.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

"The most interesting part of the festival was the VR panel, I got a lot of interesting and inspiring discussion about the upcoming new film VR. The Second Day, I joined VR Panel Discussion 2: Empathy and Understanding: The Future of Documentary, which was an interesting discussion about how to use VR to further 31 development of documentary film, and questioning the position of the audience and the subject matter in the film. The way of the documentary of using VR maybe is a good way to put the film in museum place instead of the cinema, and they raised the ethical issue that may be discussed later in another panel.. [More]
"The most interesting part of the festival was the VR panel, I got a lot of interesting and inspiring discussion about the upcoming new film VR. The Second Day, I joined VR Panel Discussion 2: Empathy and Understanding: The Future of Documentary, which was an interesting discussion about how to use VR to further 31 development of documentary film, and questioning the position of the audience and the subject matter in the film. The way of the documentary of using VR maybe is a good way to put the film in museum place instead of the cinema, and they raised the ethical issue that may be discussed later in another panel. another VR Panel Discussion 4: VR Filmmaking: Making a 360 Film, which the most interest me is about the how-to extend the storytelling of VR film into another market, and the researchers working on about how to situate the VR film in the Film market. About the VR panel, the potential of VR, they mentioned the further development of VR must theatre, or extended to the sensational theatre, which beyond the cinema. The topic is inspiring for me to understand more about VR. And I’m grateful to attend those VR panels."

— Shared by Hui Nga-shu Rita, director of The In the Wild after attending Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2019 in the United Kingdom, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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