Film Title

I Draw Inside A Sheep
Director: Wong Ka Ki


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Iceland
Production Year 2018
Duration 13' 57''
Colour Colour
Language In English with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Drama
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis With the white sun rises during midnight, a girl is searching this young man who constantly appeared in her dreams. The problem is, she never knows how he looks like. She decides to follow the sheep she meets during her journey. The sheep slowly leads her way to this young man...
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

This is a very fruitful trip as I have the opportunity to attend various masterclasses and panel discussions. I learned not only about filmmaking but also things like festival distribution, marketing and pitching techniques. I hope to make better use of these knowledge and to make better films in the future.. [More]
This is a very fruitful trip as I have the opportunity to attend various masterclasses and panel discussions. I learned not only about filmmaking but also things like festival distribution, marketing and pitching techniques. I hope to make better use of these knowledge and to make better films in the future.

I enjoyed the pitching session most because it is actually a very important process in filmmaking, whether you are to explain to your investors about what the film is about or to persuade the crew how to achieve your vision, so I am very glad that by attending this festival, I got to pitch in front of a professional panel whom they immediately gave me feedback on my presentation skills and also the story idea. Now I have gathered enough information and feedbacks to work on the script and the pitch further and I am looking into getting the script finished and hopefully to get it financed and made.

— Shared by Wong Ka-ki, director of I Draw Inside A Sheep, after attending Go Short – International Short Film Festival Nijmegen: Go Short Campus 2020 in Netherlands, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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