Film Title

From Beavis (M) to Beatrice (F)
Director: Wong Suet-ling Beatrice


  • Film Info
  • Cast & Crew
  • Awards & Screening
  • About the Director

Production Country Hong Kong
Production Year 2015
Duration 26’26”
Colour Colour
Language In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
Genre Documentary
Shooting Format HD
Synopsis My personal transgender documentary, from my coming out to my surgery, from male to female.
Distribution & Screening Enquiry

Remarks shared after Festival

“The Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is
a unique showcase of contemporary Asian cinema and work from the Asian diaspora. Works include films and videos
by East, South and Southeast Asian artist in Canada, the U.S.. [More]
“The Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is
a unique showcase of contemporary Asian cinema and work from the Asian diaspora. Works include films and videos
by East, South and Southeast Asian artist in Canada, the U.S., Asia and all over the world. As Canada’s largest Asian
film festival, Reel Asian provides a public forum for Asian media artists and
their work, and fuels the growing
appreciation for Asian cinema in Canada. My general impression is the themes of
the selected short films are more universal and less localized than those of
Hong Kong. I could feel that filmmakers are given more free reign.

Since my only experience were screenings in HK, I was
delighted with the more engaging audiences in Toronto. The hospitality was
exceptionally heartwarming especially in such cold weather. The organization is
extremely detailed and I was
really energised by the enthusiasm displayed by all involved, staff and
volunteers alike.”

—Shared by Wong Suet-ling Beatrice,
director of From Beavis (M) to Beatrice(F), after attending Toronto Reel
Asian International Film Festival 2016 in Canada, under the sponsorship of NAE.

* Information provided by Director

Online application for NAE is now closed. Details of the next round of application will be announced in due course.
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